What to eat when you are sick

Flu, nausea, headaches: what to eat when we are sick?

When our immune system is weakened and our body is exposed to external aggressions, it doesn’t take much to get sick. And if certain drugs or alternative treatments prove to be very effective in combating the first signs of the disease, diet also plays a very important role.

Find out, on a case-by-case basis, how to increase your chances of a quick recovery.

Make yourself a Moroccan-style lentil soup , advises Reader’s Digest . Made with onions, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, lentils, parsley, cilantro, oil and spices, this recipe helps you fill up while avoiding foods that increase headaches like chocolate, nuts or dairy products. On the contrary, this soup provides a good dose of vegetable proteins, anti-inflammatory spices and magnesium, which helps to “relax” the blood vessels.

The congested sinus
Do you feel that your sinuses are starting to get sore? Prepare yourself a good chili con carne, a green curry or any other spicy dish you like. Chilli helps limit sinus inflammation.

sore throat
It’s time to bring out your grandparents’ broth recipe . Add garlic, herbs and vegetables, then drink a hot tea with honey . The heat helps decongest the throat, while the garlic and vegetables provide nutrients that help fight inflammation and relieve pain.

You can fill up on bananas, rice, applesauce, and ginger tea. Each of these foods is easy to remember because they stick to the walls of the stomach, and help soothe the digestive system. Avoid as much as possible dairy products, very sugary foods, red meat and fresh vegetables, which are too difficult to assimilate. Don’t force yourself to eat if you don’t feel like it, but don’t forget to drink water regularly.

Go for fiber-rich foods like oatmeal and fruit, which help soften stools and move them. A cup of hot water with lemon can stimulate digestive muscles and help you go to the bathroom. Dried fruits, nuts and legumes are particularly recommended.

The essential reflex in case of diarrhea does not concern food, but rather drinks: you must drink water to rehydrate yourself . Broths and soups will therefore be beneficial for the same reason. You can add pasta to make it a heartier meal. Once the episode has subsided, you can gradually integrate rice, fish and lean meats.

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